

by alex

Coaching is all about having someone believe in you and encouraging you, about getting valuable feedback and about seeing things from new perspectives and setting your sights on new horizons. It is not another ‘how-to’ course. It is a powerful alliance between two people that produces exceptional results.
– Elena Aguilar

Coaching and Mentoring

As a coach, Kate enjoys supporting executives and senior leaders in times of growth or challenge to help them achieve a specific goal, to grow themselves, or their performance as a professional. Through coaching we can assist you to increase well-being and boost performance.

We work together on dealing with either the types of change that we instigate and lead, or alternatively change that we need to respond to.  We are there as you transition, and as you achieve your aspirations.  With Klarity you can have success.

As a mentor we care about your long term development.  Klarity provides the sounding board,  a power free, mutually beneficial relationship.  One where you drive the agenda and where we work on the opportunities to build a better life.

We provide a fully supported environment to assist with people’s professional development and to help them achieve clear goals.

Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others. — Jack Welch

Resilience and Change

We all experience change. Sometimes it is thrust upon us, and sometimes it comes as the result of choice we make.  We operate in environments that are always changing. Change is one of the few constants in the world we live in.  But labelling change as the “norm” doesn’t make it any easier to live with, as at times it can be profound and completely unpredictable.

It’s not change we fear, but rather the uncertainty that change brings – the fear that things will be worse than they currently are. Perhaps this is due to significant change within a workplace or a relationship, in our jobs due to restructure, the introduction of a new policy, or the unknown of a new boss. Uncertainty is one of the biggest challenges we face today.  Those who are willing to embrace uncertainty and take action, seize the opportunity through bold action and considered positive risk taking, despite the unknowns, are those who will reap the greatest benefit.  Klarity works closely with you as you move from where you are now to where you want to be.

Klarity can support you to become more change-ready and better able to respond to the impacts of change in the workplace.  We can be that safe mentor, who helps you through the transition phase, one that helps you integrate change and stabilise.

A corporation is a living organism; it has to continue to shed its skin. Methods have to change. Focus has to change. Values have to change. The sum total of those changes is transformation.
— Andrew Grove

Coaching Testimonials

“Kate developed me to become a better performer and better leader” – Andrew

“Kate was extremely adept in interpreting my passion and skill-set and, without smothering either, would skilfully coach me into honing and refining plans and strategies presented to her – guiding me to see and support the bigger strategic picture – in a mutually collaborative and collegiate manner.

Those gentle, open, visionary qualities so easily demonstrated by Kate, were such an asset to all; indeed, Kate’s natural ability to interrogate a problem and determine the solution with such clarity and then share it as a combined effort, was a not only the ultimate demonstration of a ‘real’ Leader – it was enlightening and rewarding.” – Richard

“Kate is an independent advisor who can provide frank and neutral advice that may be difficult to find inside your own workplace.  Kate will be your conscience and mentor to keep you on track. Whether you need to change abruptly or evolve gently, Kate will be there.” – Margaret

“Kate became a mentor of mine at a time in my career where I had lost a lot of professional confidence and direction. With her unfailing support, guidance and encouragement I was able to land my dream job in major gift fundraising. I can never thank her enough for this opportunity to continue my career in the NFP sector.” – Jena
